Share Your Views on Parent and Care Giver Support

We are looking to start two new parent and care giver support groups and would love to hear your views on the support you would like to

To offer further support for parents and care givers, we are looking to start two new face to face groups.
One of these groups will focus on parents and care givers of neurodiverse young people (both with a diagnosis and those awaiting diagnosis).
Another group will focus on parents and care givers of young people who experience poor mental health.
So we can offer the best form of support, we would like to hear from parents and care givers about what you would hope to see from these groups.
– Are there any aims and objectives would you like to see?
– What would you like to gain from being part of the group?
– Have you tried any similar groups or support?
– If you have tried any similar groups or support, what worked for you? Is there anything that didn’t work for you?
To share your views, please email or We would greatly appreciate hearing from you to create the support you would want to have.

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